Fall Dance Festival 2012
National Open To The World Championships
Congratulations to our finalists at National Open To The World Championships 2012 at Disney World, Orlando, Florida. They are:
- Krystal Espinor
- Jeanine Stewart
- Ashley Mattingly
- Darya Selyavina
- Stephanie Martin
- Edward Montgomery
USA DANCE National DanceSport Championships 2012
Congratulations!! To Rom Reiderman & Anna Vigdorov!
Rom & Anna just came back from USA National Championships 2012 which were in Baltimore on March 30-April 1st. They placed 4th in Latin Junior 2 Pre Champ Division and 6th in Standard Junior 2 Pre Champ. Rom and Anna showed very strong powerful dancing. Their focus and desire to win took them right to the top of the competitor list.
They did great job to represent our Academy at a very high level of dancing!!!
Texas Challenge Dancesport 2012
Congratulations!! To all of the Dance with Stars Students that competed at Texas Challenge!
- Jeanine Stewart
- Christina Ho
- Edward Montgomery
- Mike De Pedro
- Karsen Council
- Ashley Mattingly
- Daria Selyavina
- Rom Reiderman
- Anna Vigdorov
- Alex Boyer
- Gianna Hogan
- Jackson Bayhi
- Camille Geiger
- Isaak Burch
- Anoshka Kalliecharan
- Julie Rodriguez
- Angelica Mendoza
- Fernanda Salgado
- Amy Aleman
- Gala Carrillo
- Audrey Burch
- Amber Swails
- Sara Alvarado
The Academy could not be more proud of how exceptional our students did and also the winnings we brought back home with us. The Academy set the bar high this year with the students outrageous statement that they made out on the dance floor at the competition. This has most likely been the Academy’s best results that we have ever got back from a competition. Thanks for all of your hard work these past few months, they have paid off so keep up the good work. The Dance with Stars students is what makes the Studio Star Shine so bright!
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